quarta-feira, 26 de setembro de 2012

El Príncipe de la Niebla (The Prince of the Mist)

What price would you be willing to pay to have one of your wishes granted?

This is basically the premises of the book; there’s this mystical character – the Prince of the Mist – who grants wishes in return of a certain price - an unreasonable price -, that can go from setting on fire a merchant’s warehouse, to sacrifice the life of your first born.  He believes that people shouldn’t expect to get everything they want without giving something in return – he sees it as a fair trade.

There was a certain simplicity to the plot and there weren’t that many characters, which I liked; I felt that the book was really focused on the mystery that I was presented to and didn’t try to introduce other elements that probably wouldn’t be that relevant to the story. I also enjoyed the fact that the author didn’t try to give us an expected happy ending – something bad had to happen for the story to make sense.

This book is the first one of a trilogy and I’ll be reading the rest of it even though, from what I’ve read, the other books have different plots. I really liked this book and I would recommend it. I know this author is famous for is adult novels but this little young adult trilogy is worth checking out.

I've read this book in spanish and this is the cover:

sábado, 22 de setembro de 2012

A Game of Trones - second vol.

Not as good as the first half of A Game of Thrones but still a great book!

I wish I could have seen a bit more of my favorites characters on this book - especially Arya - but I guess that for the story to make sense it had to focus more on other events. Although some parts were kind of predictable – mainly who was going to be killed off and the decisions that were made by some of the characters – I still enjoyed them.

I really liked the development that Tyrion went through on this book and the fact that we got to know him a little better and his relationship with his family; I love how he’s not afraid to speak his mind and to be sarcastic and sassy towards others – definitely a great character! Another character that, in my opinion, stood out on this book was Daenarys Targaryen; she took me by surprise and I actually started to admire her willpower, her determination and her strength. I’ll be looking forward to see what she’ll do on the next book.

I really liked the way the characters grew; the way they reacted to certain events and how they dealt with their emotions was amazing and it actually gave them a lot more depth.

Great book and a must read!

This is the portuguese cover:

sexta-feira, 21 de setembro de 2012

Quote of the Week #1

So many books, so little time.

Frank Zappa

sexta-feira, 14 de setembro de 2012

A Game of Thrones - first vol.

Since the portuguese edition of A Game of Thrones is divided into two volumes, I’m only going to give you my initials thoughts on the first one (after reading the second one, I’ll make a more detailed review):

·         Amazing characters! I really liked the fact that each character had its own traits and quirks making them unique and real – it’s almost like reading a story about real people. So far, my favorites characters are Arya, Jon Snow and Tyrion;
·         The story is told through the different perspectives of several characters; it’s a great way to get a full grasp of what is going on and to know more about their traditions and history;
·         Loved the way it is written because, even though there’s a lot of detail to take in, we can just fly through the pages. I also liked the way some of the characters talked, especially Tyrion – really sassy!

Definitely a must read! 5 out of 5 stars!

      This is the portuguese cover



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